Figh†ing Spirit

2nd place just means FIRST LOSER.


I do awesome very fluently.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tagged. By Optimus Prime.

Directions : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment (''You're tagged!'') and to read your blog, you can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog, so I can see your weirdness. :)

1. I hate braces
-Cause they're annoying and a pain in the mouth.

2. I spend my days reading and writing fanfiction.
-I just updated my chapter two last night. :D

3. I'm a food-person.
-I love food. Unfortunately, my current drawback forces me to stomach food that easily swallowed whole

4. I have tons of pictures of myself that I don't show anyone.
-Is there a reason for wanting my privacy?

5. Me love cow plushies!!
-Cows are sooo much cuter than bears. Bears are sooo overrated.

6. I'm actually a reincarnation of Joan de Arc.
-Haha. Believe it if you like. I have no say on this matter.

7. Music~
-I blast my iTunes every time I log on. Doesn't matter whether I'm allowed, or not, to log on at various times of the day. I also can't write without listening to No More 'I Love You's or Riraito.

8. Friends are for life.
-We met and we are destined to be together forever. :) :I agree with Xiao Rui on this one:

9. Why 16 random things?!
-Why not easier numbers, like 3 or 8 or even -4?!

10. I really, really want to finish my Scorpius/Albus doujinshi.
-...which includes mouth-watering boyxboy scenes which I'm too embarrassed to think about, let alone draw.

11. I have a new haircut.
-Hey, Xiao Rui. Remember that girl/guy we saw at McD's yesterday? Yeah, now I look like her.

12. I like chocolate.

-...Who doesn't?

13. Right now, I'm thinking about what I'm gonna have for lunch.
-I just finished breakfast.

14. I love books!!
-If you didn't know this by now...

15. I have been worrying that my thighs won't get any smaller...
-Instead, they've been blossoming like mushrooms after rain. Am I even making sense?

16. I'm starting to suspect that I'm drunk/intoxicated.
-I didn't drink yesterday.... :frowns in concentration: Wait... Someone spiked my porridge last night, I think.... OHMYGOD SOMEONE SPIKED MY FOOD!!

17. I thought it was only 16 random things?
-Yeah, it's 16. Do these people not know how to count?!

I tag:
I don't do tagging. Basically because I have no one to tag, but most of the time it's because I don't really care.

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