I need, most importantly, a violin tuner. Anyone who can manage to get me one, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER.
The rest here are books, listed in no particular order:
- The Small Hand (A Ghost Story) [Susan Hill]
- The Magician's Guild/High Lord/The Novice [Trudi Canavan]
- Will Grayson, Will Grayson [John Green & David Levithan]
- The Less-Dead [April Lurie]
- The Hunter Games trilogy
- Slice of Cherry [Dio Reeves]
- The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie [Alan Bradley]
- The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag [Alan Bradley]
- The Case of the Missing Servant [Tarquin Hall]
- The Baker Street Letters [Michael Robertson]
...Yes, this is a desperate attempt to beg for books. I HAZ NO MOAR! DDD: