Figh†ing Spirit

2nd place just means FIRST LOSER.


I do awesome very fluently.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Lisa Yap Li Shan, you owe me big time.

You know what I'm talking about. YOU KNOW.

Don't give me that innocent look, you ninny. *bashes you on the head*

And don't you "whaaaaat?" me.

-insert random Russell Peters quote here-

Xiao Rui, I am sorry to say, that even though you weren't present, I enjoyed myself immensely today singing my heart out. Well, most of the time. The other time was the time we went out to have cotton candy. :D
Anyway, the point is-what kind of friend am I? How can I still enjoy myself while my bf is back at home, obviously growing cobwebs and rotting away, being pecked clean by vultures! I swear, the next time we decide to go out together I will- oooh~ Bunnies~! *exits stage left*


*runs back on stage*
OMG I sooo totally didn't mean that! Anyway, as I was saying-- IS THAT A MARSHMALLOW CHOCOLATE STICK?! HEY, YOU! @#$& get your ass back here! *jumps into the crowd and chases after the poor guy who innocently decided to bring chocolate coated marshmallows and didn't know host's addiction to them*


*host's friend comes up*
Well, I don't think she's coming back anytime soon... soo....


1 comment:

Kim said...

*blink blink* what?

Saying this to myself: "if you can't understand what is written, most probably it's not written for you to understand." LOL