Figh†ing Spirit

2nd place just means FIRST LOSER.


I do awesome very fluently.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Being Inconsequential

I understand that I have not updated in a scandalously long time, and even now I just dropped in to get some stuff off my chest.

Some updates, so you can skip the pathetic rant later:

  • My PSP was fixed, thanks to that guy in Times Square. :D
  • I haven't read KHR since mentioned in the last post, so I totally don't know the direction of where ever it's going.
  • I totally died in the HELP Debate.
  • I found out that I have self-esteem issues.
  • I need a better reason to live.
  • Perhaps Science stream isn't for me.
  • I have an Obsession (yes, it's capitalized.) with Kingdom Hearts.
  • More specifically, Roxas.
  • Roxas is my religion.
  • I need more sleep.
  • My mum has issues with me, and she's playing favorites to my brother.
  • Even though I love my brother and all.
  • I screwed up this exam too.
  • C2age!!!! It's got the most perfect timing ever! But guess what? None of my friends can accompany me...
  • ...and my mum says I cannot go alone.
Yeah, that's basically a very very concentrated version of whatever shit happened recently. Those I can think of, anyway.

I had a longer post/rant I actually planned for yesterday, but it's full of emo and angst and insecurity so screw it I'm not going to make my blog more negative than it already is.

I need more time in my life.

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