Figh†ing Spirit

2nd place just means FIRST LOSER.


I do awesome very fluently.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Today I took the bus home.

There was a blind man. He was sitting behind the driver's seat, occasionally asking the driver if it was his stop.

He picked him nose once and I suddenly wondered how his world would be. He couldn't see himself, couldn't see others, he didn't know it was indecent to pick his nose in public, maybe because no one bothered to tell him, or maybe because it is a human reaction, to pick your nose. And he couldn't see...

There was also a man missing a leg who came on later. I had wanted to help him, but held back for some reason unknown to me. Maybe I'm just not used to doing it. I regret my selfish actions. Just like I regretted not helping a blind lady board the monorail once. I'm so terribly selfish.

One wonders whether these people deserved to be born this way. What had they done in the past lives? Did they bring it upon themselves to be missing something, whether it be sight or limbs or hearing? Or was it something they couldn't control, but because god liked it?

In any case, I still think we should all take time to help them out a bit. At least, help them get on busses. Don't do what I did, don't do what everybody in the bus did. None of us reached out a helping hand. And I think it's unfair, to function perfectly well, yet choose to not help those handicapped.

Do society a favor, yeah?

1 comment:

Joann said...

^_^ yup! we should give more helping hands. You didn't do it cos it's not commonly done in out society. The act might became 'weird' when you do it. so you hesitated. Next time! next time we must do what we feel like doing and not what other people think ^_^