Figh†ing Spirit

2nd place just means FIRST LOSER.


I do awesome very fluently.

Friday, January 1, 2010

202th Post, New Year, New Revelations

So, guys, it's the new year. Currently it is the 1st January 2010, 1 am in the morning, and I am sitting here, in the half-dark, blogging.

Spent the last few hours of the old year in my dad's friend's penthouse. We could see fireworks from every direction. I never knew there were so many places shooting off rockets into the sky.

Ironically, the only conversations I had there was with adults. As in, I-have-four-kids-and-I'm-thinking-of-sending-them-into-chinese-private-schools kind of adults. So yes, I spent the night advising these daddies how to improve their kid's English.

Then I called Lisa because I was sort-of perhaps maybe too happy. That's another story, to be told another time.

To be frank, there is nothing to write about. New Years.... I've seen 15 of them. But ah, today- technically, yesterday, something big happened...

Something I never thought I'd be facing until say, oh, a few years later. But it happened, it's here, it's staring me in the eye, and I'm thinking, 'What the heck, I'm so going with it.'

So here I am, 2009 over, with 2010 just starting... And something else, something so strange and new, it's starting too.

And thus I'm happy. And I hope you'll be happy with me too.

Enjoy your new year!

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