Figh†ing Spirit

2nd place just means FIRST LOSER.


I do awesome very fluently.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mama Mia! the Musical

Is a very good musical.

Except for the rather disturbing groping parts.

Abdullah was there. O.o
And we had to stand up to sing the National Anthem.

I was actually thinking of things like breaking into the sound mixer room (?) and putting Negarakuku in its place just to annoy him. >:D

Anyhow, I nearly lost my hearing abilities due to the fact that the music was too loud. That or we were just sitting too close to the stage. But I thought those were supposed to be good seats?

And also, think about the amount of money they make! $400 per seat, multiply it by a few hundred, and it makes 50+k a day. It's been performing for-how long? A month? Okay, so multiply that by 30 and you'll have some 1,500,000 for the whole performance.

I think more.

Much more. :|


I love it.

My favorite scenes are 'Money, money, money'. It's so cool. :D

And 'Chiquitita'. That's the song where Tanya and Rosie are trying to get Donna to tell them what happened. It's right before Dancing Queen.

'Lay All Your Love On Me', because I like the line 'Don't go wasting your emotions'. That, and those guys in swimming trunks were ridiculous.

I also like 'S.O.S' because... well, I like it.

'Does Your Mother Know' because Tanya was awesome.

'Slipping Through My Fingers'. It's sad. I like sad songs. :D You'll notice in my playlist that most of them are 'very depressing'.

'The Winner Takes It All' because it's such a powerful song.

'Take A Chance On Me' because it's so funny.

Actually, I'm kinda sad because Harry ended up with Rosie right? And Bill ended up with some guy right? The musical didn't have that. D:

I liked the movie wedding scene better.


Because it had that scene.

So what does that say about me? :D

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