After much procrastination, the pictures are finally here!
All hail my brother!!
Ehem, LINK HERE. Actually, I think the FB resolution is fucked up as hell, so I'm thinking of throwing it into Flickr or somewhere. I'll update with links.
For my blog readers, there'll be extra pictures. And comments. Haha. Read on.
Argh, my big GREEN bag. It's handy, big, and completely ugly. I love it.
For some reason, despite this being a completely NOT POSED FOR shot (and also not expected of), I completely hearts this. SRSLY.
Screw you, tall people.
((I love my gun.))
I have no idea.
After that we decided to go nuts.Shiki, I am seriously not cheating on you. I swear.
Urm, my target was the flamingo. Cuz it's ugly and old.
Well, that's, er, it? @___@
I just wanted to show off, actually.
who wants to see the first photoshoot pictures (this is the second)?
In the first one I'm a 'boy'. A very cute 'boy', actually. :D
Leave comments in the cbox, and if there's enough requests I'll post it up on FB or Flickr or here. Thanks for the support, yeah?