Figh†ing Spirit

2nd place just means FIRST LOSER.


I do awesome very fluently.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cats and Dogs

Yes, today I bring you another fascinating tale of the great Waffle! [dramatic music in background] Unfortunately, this isn't about her heroism or greatness! It is a sad, sad tale. Let's all start at the beginning...

Yesterday, as I was taking a evening walk with my mom, I met my dad and Waffle. They weren't at home when me and my mom got back, so I saw Waffle for the first time that day. And my, was she a sight! Blood trickled down the tip of her ear (which is soaked in blood, by the way) to the left side of her face and all the way trailing scarlet liquid onto her lovely brown coat and landing splat on the road. My first thought? WHOA! SHE'S BLEEDIN'!!! My second thought? HOLY SHIT SHE'S BLEEDING!!! You see, sometimes I'm kinda slow. Especially if I'm shocked. And I was in shock. And I stayed shocked until I got home. That's when I snapped. "WHAT HAPPPPENNNNEDDD??????????????????????" I shrieked. "Cat fight." my dad dully explained. "BRING HER TO THE VET! NOW! THIS INSTANT!" I yelled. "Haha, a dog losing to a cat in a fight..." my dad ignored me and joked to my mom. It's creepy the way they get all affectionate. Not that I have any problem with that. But hello? what's more important? My dog (maybe) dying of infection or their giggly relationship? Oh course my dog! So I yelled at my dad. Again. He put iodine on Waffle's ear and told me to let her heal by herself. Too bad, I was a raving lunatic last night. Oh, and did I mention that when she shakes her head, blood splatters all over the place? Blood got into my EYE, and that is just about the sickest you can get. Oh anyway, I think the cut has healed, it's not dripping blood anymore. Tonight I will have to wash her face (wich, if you remember, was caked in blood). So *gulp* see ya guys later!

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