Figh†ing Spirit

2nd place just means FIRST LOSER.


I do awesome very fluently.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Uber Coolness!!

This morning I woke up at 6 am and stared at the wall for awhile. Then I threw on a t-shirt and my grey Paddington Bear short.

And stuffed my face with sweet potato.

And then got all jumpy because we were running late and took a wrong turn.

And then GASP oh SHOCK!! The meeting place was frickin' deserted!

Man, that gave us a real scare. Turns out we were the first one there.

I was kind lagging behind, didn't go too fast.

Then we went up the mountain and down the mountain and my arms went numb and I think I cracked my pelvic girdle in two.


Then we had brunch (nasi lemak) which my brother promptly forgot to pay for.

Went to dream trail which sucked. It was more of pushing than cycling. The trail was too narrow, there were too many stupid roots and boulders, I don't have suspension, and my legs were very the tired laaaah...

And on the trail back, I phailed terribly. Last 80 meters I couldn't make it. Had to take a break. T-T

Epic fail.

Then my brother raced me back to the parking lot. He left me in the dust, literally.

But I could've caught up with him.

If only I knew which way to go.

I would've won.

Or at least not lose so spectacularly.

I've got a nasty scratch on my knee... *groan*

And I think I sprained my back. D:

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